Find Your Sales Representative

The John Henry Foster Company is a full-line fluid power distributor with territories covering parts of Missouri, Illinois and Kentucky and is the Midwest leader in fluid power sales. We have sales representatives stationed throughout our territory who can visit your site and provide hands-on attention to better meet your fluids power needs.

Preventative and Predictive Maintenance

Maintaining your compressed air and hydraulic systems is no longer a matter of committing a few labor hours each month. Today, keeping your system operating at peak efficiency requires time-consuming and costly measures involving thorough knowledge of the technology, an investment in monitoring equipment, and on-going training. You choose the level of coverage and we’ll take care of the rest.

Request Compressed Air Service

Why choose John Henry Foster to give you peace of mind?

  • Factory-trained and certified service technicians
  • 24/7 parts and service
  • State-of-the-art diagnostics
  • Over a century of compressed air expertise
  • The Midwest’s largest service department, with a representative located near you for convenience
  • Over 15 remote technicians with vehicles stocked with crucial components and equipment
  • All brands and types of air compressors, air dryers and equipment
  • Pre-scheduled visits for your convenience
  • Time and material or flat rate billing available
  • Compressed air equipment rental and leasing options available when necessary

CARE™ Service Program

John Henry Foster is backed by Ingersoll Rand’s CARE Service Program to ensure your IR compressed air investment is protected.

PackageCARE™ is a fixed-cost, no-surprises service contract designed to eliminate the inconvenience with maintaining and servicing your compressed air system.

PlannedCARE™ service program gives you a more cost-effective plan for scheduling and executing all required compressed air equipment services over the course of the year.

PartsCARE™ entitles you to receive genuine OEM parts delivered to at an agreed upon price, for your routine maintenance requirements.